Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Building together JAR and WAR in maven

Creating JAR file in maven

To create first project in maven, I used the maven "archetype" mechanism. In maven, archetype is a template of a project.

To create a quick start maven project, execute the following command in Command prompt.
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=org.yarlithub.yschool -DartifactId=yschool-mini-mayooapp

groupId :This is an element that indicates the unique identifier of the Organization that created the project. groudId should follow the package name (reversed DNS of your website)
artifactId :This also is an element that indicates the unique base name of the project.
-D: This command is simply setting Java system properties, this use passing configuration information to Maven.

When executed the above command, a directory named "yschool-mini-mayooapp" has been created for this project. After that the project should be compiled.

Change the current directory into yschool-mini-mayooapp directory using following command in windows.
> cd yschool-mini-mayooapp

If you want to add this JAR into another WAR file you can edit this file
For example: If you want to print the current time use the following code. 
public class App{  
   public static String myDate(){
       return new java.util.Date().toString();
Then the application sources are compiled using following commands
>yschool-mini-mayooapp>mvn compile
By executing the mvn install command, Maven finishes by installing the JAR file into the local repository, making this JAR file available to other projects.
>yschool-mini-mayooapp>mvn install

Then to see the out of this project execute the following commands
>yschool-mini-mayooapp>java -cp target/yschool-mini-mayooapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar org.yarlithub.yschool.App

Creating WAR file in maven
Creating a web application in maven is straight forward like above mentioned, but different archetypeArtifactId. Back into the base directory using following commands in windows

After that execute the following command then a web application will be created.
>mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp  -DgroupId=org.yarlithub.yschool  -DartifactId=yschool-mini-mayoowebapp

After creating web application, this project must be compiled. Before compilation, If you want add JAR file into WAR file you should add a dependency into the WAR pom.xml

          <groupId> org.yarlithub.yschool</groupId>
          <artifactId> yschool-mini-mayooapp</artifactId>

Then Edit the index.jsp file in web application

<h2>Hello Jaffna!</h2>
<h3>Yarl IT Hub<h3>
<p>Is a community who live the shared dream of making Yarl the next Sillicon Valley. We are a not for profit initiative and 100% apolitical. An initiative by the community for the community!</p>
<h3>Now the Time is: <%= org.yarlithub.yschool.App.myDate() %>

To compile this project, go to project folder type "yschool-mini-mayoowebapp" using "cd yschool-mini-mayoowebapp" command, and then type the following commands.
>mvn compile

 Simply executing the command mvn package creates our WAR file
>mvn package

To run this application we simply add the jetty plug-in to pom.xml for this web application. This following code will be added to the pom.xml


We can now run our web application by simply typing the command as shown below.
>mvn install jetty:run

We can now open our web browser to localhost:8080/ yschool-mini-mayoowebapp to see our web application.

Monday, April 23, 2012

First Maven Project

Configuration steps for create simple maven project

Download and install  jdk-7u3-windows-i586  and setup the class path

Download and install apache-maven-3.0.4 and setup the path

Open command line and type "mvn --version" to verify the successful installation

If installation is correct the following message will be shown

Apache Maven 3.0.4 (r1232337; 2012-01-17 00:44:56-0800)
Maven home: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\apache-maven-3.0.4
Java version: 1.7.0_03, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java home: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
OS name: "windows 7", version: "6.1", arch: "x86", family: "windows"

Setup proxy sever to create a maven project

Open "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\apache-maven-3.0.4\conf " folder 

Edit the settings.xml file using the following code with appropriate proxy details

      <password> proxy_netuser </password>

git hub proxy setup

 git config --global http.proxy

Java web

I had an opportunity to enter java web programming through the Yarlithub. That is first entrance to java web. But, I didn't get a chance like this before it. So, i would like to thank to Yarlithub. Before that i heard about java web technologies through software industries visit to Colombo, but it was not clear me.

One day I had a chance to participate to opening ceremony of the Yarlithub at the IIS City Campus. There I heard about the yShool open source project.

The ySchool project is a simple open source School Management System, especially for Sri Lankan Schools that are located in rural areas.

So, I wish to join to the develping team of ySchool project.